
The Fraud of Plastic Recycling: How Big Oil and the Plastics Industry Deceived the Public for Decades

Many of the same fossil fuel companies that knew and lied about how their oil and gas products cause climate change have also known and lied for decades about how another one of their core products — plastics — could never be recycled at scale.

A new report from the Center for Climate Integrity, The Fraud of Plastic Recycling: How Big Oil and the plastics industry deceived the public for decades and caused the plastic waste crisis, lays out new evidence that could provide the foundation for legal efforts to hold fossil fuel and other petrochemical companies accountable for that deception and the significant damage it has caused. Join Chelsea Linsley and Alyssa Johl from the Center for Climate Integrity to learn about actions that states and communities across the U.S. are taking to hold Big Oil accountable.


Mar 22 2024


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Maggie Somers