
Climate-resilient Maine Farms with Shelley Megquier, Maine Farmland Trust, and Dave Colson, New Leaf Farm

Every five years, our lawmakers in Congress must reauthorize the nation’s Farm Bill, an omnibus bill governing policy in areas related to the agricultural sector, including farm income support, food assistance, trade, and more. It takes many months to reach a consensus around such a massive bill, and Congress is behind schedule. While existing programs will continue at the level they were last funded (in 2018), new initiatives like Congresswoman Chellie Pingree’s Agricultural Resilience Act and other climate-smart measures can’t be implemented until they are authorized and funded in the next Farm Bill.

Join Shelley Megquier, Policy and Research Director for Maine Farmland Trust, and Dave Colson, owner of New Leaf Farm and Northeast Region’s Farmer Representative to the National Organic Farmers Association, to learn about the policies and programs that are needed to support farmers and protect Maine’s farmland in the face of climate change, and what we can do at the state level to address these issues.


Feb 09 2024


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Maggie Somers