
Building a Joyful, Welcoming, Powerful Climate Movement | Part 2

Over the last 15 years, throughout the United States, a movement has been building that integrates creativity into the practices and policies of local and regional governments as a game-changing tool. In 2022, President Biden signed an Executive Order mandating that all Federal Agencies integrate creativity in their planning, policies, and programs. Not simply murals and banners, puppets and songs, but civic engagement projects, civic performances, community collage mapping, and more.

Maine has led the nation with Art At Work’s 8-year residency in Portland’s City Manager’s office. Poetry projects to address historic low police morale. Family story circles and printmaking to address multiple racial discrimination lawsuits within the Public Works Department. Grassroots and municipal leaders creating ‘collage maps’ led by the head of Maine’s Director of Emergency Management Agency. A performance with police officers and African-born high school students in response to the fatal police shooting of a S. Sudanese resident.

Community Arts projects thrive on challenging, fun, meaningful engagement — the kind that fosters equity and creates common ground. These projects are playing an increasingly powerful role in building the relationships and movement we need. Join Marty Pottenger, Executive & Artistic Director of Art at Work, to learn more about her presentation at Cultural Advocacy Day on March 5th, and about how essential art is to creating a powerful climate movement that cannot be ignored.


Mar 01 2024


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Maggie Somers